Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Your big plan...

All of that pain...
All of that heartache...
All of that disappointment...

It was hurt me much...
It was disappoint me a lot...
It was making me down till I didn't know what to do...

I'm not gonna upset with that...
I'm not gonna angry with that...
I'm not gonna being down because of that...

All I'm gonna do is just being grateful for all of this...
All of the things You've given to me...
All of the ways You've shown to me...

Because I know, it's just a part of Your big plan for me...for my better life in the future...

You're not gonna show me the wrong ways or give me the bad things, are You???
So that's why I'm here still being strong, sure and believe that all of that disappointments are not because of You hate me...
But it's because You're showing me that I deserve to get better life than that...
And You're planing and preparing the most wonderful life ever for me...

Thank you God for reminding me and always guide me to the right way...
I pray to You, for keeping me in the right way...
And protect me from the wrong way and bad things that ruin my life...

I love You...

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